Sunday, August 22, 2010

Still Talking to Myself?

Thanks to Annie at In A Pickle Web Design, I, at, am happily reconfigured and still running. The new program is fabulous and so much fun to use. So if you are looking for web help, Annie may be the gal to look to.

And I hate to admit it, but I am getting slightly addicted to this web process. Fortunately the charm and simplicity of the old and the great outdoors still call loudly!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Latest

Even though I have not been found and have no clue how to be discovered - essentially I am talking to myself - I just though I'd jot down the latest!

My web hosting company was sold in the eleventh hour therefore we are all still up and running after three days of heart failure. How people can be so rude to each other is totally amazing to me.

Sure wish I could figure out how to get this out to google!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

U Maintain it

Should have developed this blog more a long time ago but . . .

On short notice those of us who are hosted and maintained on the above company have been told they are shutting down. That has left all of us scrambling. For those of us who are not very computer literate, this has been very painful! I am in the process of exploring possibilities and if disappears in a day or two, please know that I will be back up soon. I thank you for your support and patience.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Am I Too Old For This?

This is a bit painful, but I thought it was about time that I developed a blog so that more of you might discover my website. Creating that was painful too, but I do have that mastered and would love for you to check it out. Anyway trying to get the layout right, etc., etc. for this blog is presently beyond my capabilities. I have visited some beautiful blogs and that is just what I have in mind but . . . Any help would be greatly appreciated and once I have this all under control I look forward to sharing some of those delightful blogs I have found. It truly is through them that you learn you are not as crazy as you think and that there are so many clever people out there.

As I became more familiar tramping around the internet in the last few years, I always felt I was like Alice falling down the rabbit hole discovering this and that around every corner. And so I go deeper and around another turn. Little did I think I would be maneuvering cyberspace in my advanced age! Hope I can figure it all out and be among the beautiful bloggers someday.