Thursday, February 11, 2010

Am I Too Old For This?

This is a bit painful, but I thought it was about time that I developed a blog so that more of you might discover my website. Creating that was painful too, but I do have that mastered and would love for you to check it out. Anyway trying to get the layout right, etc., etc. for this blog is presently beyond my capabilities. I have visited some beautiful blogs and that is just what I have in mind but . . . Any help would be greatly appreciated and once I have this all under control I look forward to sharing some of those delightful blogs I have found. It truly is through them that you learn you are not as crazy as you think and that there are so many clever people out there.

As I became more familiar tramping around the internet in the last few years, I always felt I was like Alice falling down the rabbit hole discovering this and that around every corner. And so I go deeper and around another turn. Little did I think I would be maneuvering cyberspace in my advanced age! Hope I can figure it all out and be among the beautiful bloggers someday.